
Friday, May 30, 2008

Survey again, this time I saw people do,
then I found it quite interesting, hence I do lur.
Have been doing survey for blogging these few days,
which is quite boring and quite lame -.-?

Going around people tagboard kpo their problem,
also become one of my hobbies now.
Other than that, sleep, slack and day-dream.

Anyway, here goessssss. :D

1.Who are you chatting with now?:
Just woke up, yawnn.

2. What you want the most now?:
SinnedMS gm quickly online, so i can play.

3. What's going to happen tomorrow?:
world end?

4. Do you hate your friends sometimes?:
hmm yeahs, sometimes, when they dont't understand me.

5. When do you wish to die?:
true, when i dun wish to live anymore

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after rain?:
saw before -.-

7. What impossible things you would wish to do?:
go into games.

8. Do you believe in eternal love?:
definitely no.

9. Have you broken someone's heart that he/she tried to commit suicide?:

10. What if your crush asked you out?:

11. Describe your other half.:

12. What feeling do you hate the most?:
backstabbed, tio dao-ed, tio rejected.

13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?:
right now, yessss :D

14. What're ya looking' forward to in the coming weeks?:
more of sleep? i've been sleeping less these few weeks. yawn.

15. The most important things in yer life.:

16. Who do you hope to be always there for you?:

17. Do you find life meaningless?:
i hope it's not.

18. What have you been searching for all this while?:
don't really have a aim..

19. List one thing that you're scared of.:
insects! :o

20. What's your greatest wish?:
no worries, no sadness.

21. Do you have lots of regrets?

Instructions : Remove 1 question from above and replace it with your own. Tag 8 people, list 'em out at the end of the post. Notify 'em in their chattbox that they've been tagged.

Aiyah, was suppose, to tag people and tell them de.
But I'm really lazy lur, and didn't have much friend to tag either.
So I decided not to tag..
If you feel like doing the survey too, feel free.

Remember this quiz?
I'm asked by Doreen to do this quiz once again.
The 2nd time of this week ler.
Nevermind, shall do it again, since I'm bored.
Say me keesiao or whatever.
1) Do you wish to do this test?
- yes, i was pretty shocked being asked by doreen to do this.
2) Who is more important to you? Friends or boyfriend/girlfriend?
- ehs? depends?
3) Who is the person you trust most?
- still, darren.
4) Do you think you have enough confidence?
- yes! i believe nothing can withstand me. Wohoo.
5) How many pets do you have?
- 0?

6) Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
- No need believe lah dey! See before liao!
7) What is your goal this year?
- Pass N'level lur.
8) Do you believe in eternity love?
- Maybe?
9) Have you broken someone's heart that he/she tried to commit suicide?
- how could i ever know.
10) What feeling do you love most?
- hmm, family loves.
11) What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
- lazy to explain, perhaps i expect too much.
12) Do you think you are irritating?
- yah..
13) Are you lame?
- damn..
14) What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- kinship.
15) Do you love anime?
- NO
16) Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words?
- no one tagged 5 words..
17) What have you done to please yourself?
- unspoken;
18) If time were to rewind, when will you want it to be?
- hmm..
19) Name one person you are madly in love with.
- can't say, it's a secret.
20) What do you wish for right now ?
- holiday quickly end, SO BORED AT HOME.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

78 words

78 words, anyone can win me? :D

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Overslept for today' Art.
Well, partly blamed on, I really do not wish to go either.

That Gary and Darren also mean de lur,
never wake me up!
Gary called me once, Darren didn't even call!
Damn lur!! At least they should keep calling till I wake up,
and then give an answer,
"oh, I'm not going", right?!

Phewww, high blood pressure.
My Art supposingly can't make it now.

Screw private maple lah.
Was organizing zak batch, and it say server need to restart.
Cause it is really damn laggy tonight.
No one has any idea why it has been so laggy.
But, who cares. I hope after the server,
it won't lag, nor server crash.

Okay, gtg to shower now.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Okay, was damn moody and sleepy.
Went school for Art, and I never sleep for whole night.
And, slept 1 hour in Art class, cause really BTH.
Till now also haven't sleep. I try hold another night.

Morning went to find Darren and Gary to eat breakfast.
And Gary was rushing me there, making me damn ganchiong siah!
Then I almost knocked down by the car.
Jitao, chua tio. Then I reach ler..
guess what.. ?
He haven't reach -.-!
The conversation was like,

Gary: Eh, where are you?
Dillon: Erm, on bus, reaching liao!

Dillon: Eh, you at Darren house ah? Or downstair?
Gary: I haven't reach. Going to reach.
Dillon: Diao lah you, then rush me for what!

Anyway, Miss Goh don't want to release me earlier at 3pm,
causing big rain to approached, and cannot go home with Gary and Darren.
But luckily, mom fetch me. Or else I sure kpkb.
Anyway was lame-ing with Hera! She keep sing, but quite nice.
So damn funny, I'm getting lame-r each day.
I damn dulan lur, it's like, sigh nevermind.
Anyway got back report book already,
whole class failed.
I was ranked 3rd in class, 47.8%
Supposingly, I should be honoured,
but a entire class that failed,
I don't see a need to feel honoured.

Okay, I need to train my maple now.

Monday, May 26, 2008

5++ a.m now. Haven't sleep lah dey.
Need to ton till 8 go find Gary and Darren to eat and go school do art.
Hais, I'm alone now. Yesterday still got copydog accompany me.
Today he slept w/o switching off his lappy.

Talk to him so damn funny lah dey.
I lame with him so much than now I got orcher because laughed too much.
He scare me lah dey, he say got ghost behind me couple of times.
Then I foolishly go believe for couple of times, thought it was real.
And found out he's lying lay dey.
Most importantly, he's retarted, as in action.
I must say, damn retarted and funny.
He follow Maple F1-F7 expression.
Look damn funny.
I'm trying to master.
P/S: I look damn dumb; using webcam take.

Okay lah, I admit I damned lame.
But don't expect me to do nothing for 1-2 hours right!








I'm trying to learn.
See ah. I'll master your moves one day.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 ?
Go suck your own stick lah dude!
Anyway, go hereeee.
Promised you'll laugh till peng.
Not a porn or virus website.

And.. don't blame me. YOU DAMN PIG!!

LMAO LAH, go guess who it is. F3
You piggy R.

I bet this is the last time.
Hah. Hope you luck with your.. girl ^^
I know who's his girl!
Want I say mah!? ROFL!
Later he kill me :\

Don't forget you promised me one thing eh.
You break, I go queenstown sec find you.
Anyway, if you saw this post, see this.

75 words

Now you lost!

BTW, is this lappy chio?!

Bth her siah! -.- LOL, so thin, later sit on it on accident, then bit how?!
HEART PAIN SIAH! Thinner than a pencil leh!
So thin lappy feel so werid lah dey.
I like.. hmm, fat, small and tall one!
LOL! Okay shan't discuss about it, since I love my lappy damn much.
Fancy her getting crazy over this apple lappy.
She still scold me funny somemore.

I'm just giving a example lurr.
Hao xin mei hao bao.

Hais, indeed blog is the best way to relieve feelings and pain.
Yeah, I'm crying deep inside, feeling sad.
I mean, I felt sad for others.
Their words seem so real that, it really influence me bit by bits.
Perhaps you might not understand the true thing about it,
but, the true thing is, deep inside, we care about each other.

The world is unfair; this term shouldn't be used anymore.
Everyone are borned because of their parent efforts.
If their parents are wasting their life time gambling,
you might not see their child being a rich kid when born.
Similar, toward a bigger society of life,
a richer person indeed lead the society.
I'm not gonna waste my life anymore.

Hence, the feeling I want now is being alone.
I don't wanna think of any sad things anymore.
Their words influence my mood deeply.

I'm being asked by Meliza; kaixinguo to do this quiz.
Hence, I shall guai guai listen and do.

1) Do you wish to do this test?
- not really, but meliza asked me to, I've no reason to reject.
2) Who is more important to you? Friends or boyfriend/girlfriend?
- friends are no longer important.
3) Who is the person you trust most?
- prehaps darren, he is understanding and trustable.
4) Do you think you have enough confidence?
- prehaps not, i'm lack of everything in life.
5) How many pets do you have?
- noneeeeee.

6) Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
- eh, in what cases? as in, I really see before a rainbow after a rain.
7) What is your goal this year?
- goal ah. get to know that someone.. most importantly, promised to get top 3 with melvin and elvin. that's our goal, not only my goal.
8) Do you believe in eternity love?
- perhaps there's no such thing.
9) Have you broken someone's heart that he/she tried to commit suicide?
- i dont know.
10) What feeling do you love most?
- up till now, being alone.
11) What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
- i doubt i'll meet my other half.
12) Do you think you are irritating?
- to them, perhaps i'm really that irritating. personally, i also feel that way too.
13) Are you lame?
- LAME? as in lame in leg or what? i'm not one legged lah dey. I'm lame in character. Hoho, i damn lame one. don't believe ask my friends.
14) What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- kinship. w/o kinship, i'm totally nothing.
15) Do you love anime?
- er, don't scold me gay if i dun like.
16) Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words?
- EH, NO ONE TAG IN 5 WORDS EXCEPT MYSELF LEH. i shall describe myself then :P irritating, lame, retarded, dumb and most importantly, emo.
17) What have you done to please yourself?
- this thing cannot be say out der :o
18) If time were to rewind, when will you want it to be?
- back to primary 2, i swear i wun cause that damage again.
19) Name one person you are madly in love with.
- can't say, it's a secret.
20) What do you wish for right now ?
- holiday quickly end, and find that someone, hope that someone will talk to me.

ohyahh, btw i just wake up :P
it's 5.25p.m

Sunday, May 25, 2008

P/S for not posting.
Quite alot of stuff to mention, but really lazy lah dey.
Was pia-ing maple these few days, with Gary duh.
And meet couple of good friends and got a darling -.-
He called me darling first, which I foolishly darling back?
Hah, anyway, was running huge headache last night.
Played 12-13 hours of lappy, thus end up like this.
Come out take panadol, and then guess what.
Panadol does not cure my headache. Prehaps I need to take down 3 or 4.
Argg. Then headache continues, can't sleep.

Bring my lappy to toilet to use, cause mom will kill me if she saw me playing.
And in the end, still tio caught.
I'm so dumb, to learn from my brother to play inside toilet.
I felt so foolish lah dey.

Anyway, was chatting with one retart-ed gay now.
Just kidding, he's straight, he exclaimed.
HAHA, anyway, talk to him, I really gonna die soon.
Pissed off by him lah dey -.-

Friday, May 23, 2008

Brother went KL these few days.
I wonder it will be a good omen or a bad one.
Since he's gone, no one no snatch bed with me.
Since he's gone, mom has a lower chance of nagging at us.
Which mean, I won't experience ear pain.
Cannot say much, later sister tell mom I say this and that.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Even though didn't had a chance to go to the outing,
but fortunately, I'd friends to accompany to eat!
But in fact, is I accompany them to eat I think?
Say go tiong, after that go 148, keep changing place.
Machaim sai, in the end go 148.

Okay, so after choosing for a couple of times,
they chose a place that it was raining heavily.
I've evidence to show I'm denched.
All goes to their effort.
Thanks Gary and Darren! :) ?

Upon reaching..

After reaching..

Some more they're late lur!
See, wait for them until hair dry liao!

This one act cute only,
even though not lah.

Last picture!
They're hungry ghost!!


wa.. i really damn sad now leh.
they playing now lur.
i'm like missing so much fun,
and i promised them i'll go..
so many of them are awaiting fer me..
and.. i can only say, i'm really sorry.
i regret sleeping so late, or shouldn't have slept..
i'm really sorry.
wearing class-tee make me think of really wonderful memories of class.
it make me feel excited too.
but.. I'm really SORRY!!!!!!!
tommorrow go school please don't scold me.
i also damn sad leh.
anyway doesn't make a different with me lah..



Today last day of the cooking course.
Can say, quite miss it somehow.
I mean will definitely miss the chef and the laughters.

Today, is the day we serve the teachers those we've learnt.
And it was so nervous and excited for us.
First, we went to Elvin class and went to print the menu.
On the way we print the menu,
we were already reaching the place.
Suddenly, Gary said something.

Senario 1

All: ROFL-ING. How could you forget such a big thing!
All: The most important thing you forget!
Dillon: See lah! Only you bring bag! LOL dumb siah you.

Then we laminate it, and punch a hole.
And we need a ring. We went to search for one,
and finally found..
A toy ring!

Then we sit taxi back to school because we're late.

Okay, pictures for these few days! :D

Shhhh, chef cooking leh!
Must tiam tiam, and listen!
Lai lai, gather gather!
Later machaim Fresh Orange leh!
FO = Fuck off

See the product!
Chef commenting leh!

Cheese. P/s ah ;x

Our group!
Fork & Spoon!

Our food quite nice leh,
don't know why Ms Chong don't like it.
I mean don't know her lah,
but ours is like so perfect leh.
The soup is machaim so good lah,
even the other groups come taste ;x
Bhb abit lahs.
I mean I love it alot.
Wohoo! Ok lah, then the fish is quite alrighty.
But she say the fish too salty,
and too watery, as in the chap.
I put little der lur, then Darren say,
put more put more.
Then chef come,

In the end, tio shoot watery by him again.
But, everytime he pour it -.-
Machaim sai him!
The dessert, wahh, machaim sai also.
He so ass siah.

Senario 2
Dillon: Eh, don't throw away this mango skin, later I wan put design one.
Dillon: Eh, I put back the skin to the box first ah.
Darren: Okay lur.
*Chef come over*
Chef: Clean this, ah good. Clean that. Eh, why this mango skin over here?
Chef: Throw away.
*Chef threw my mango skin, let it fly?*
*Darren laughing so loud*
Dillon: KAOZ EH!!

Darren like siao gina, keep laughing and use that to shoot me.
Anyway, Ms Chong comment it nice overall.

Tomorrow class outing leh!
HAHA, I thought friday, so I'm not mentally prepared yet.
I haven't buy bermudus.
-.- and go school then change class-tee.

I'm awaiting for tomorrow outing!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Skipped school.
But will be going school later for cooking course.
This is the last day,
and I hope it will succeed; whatever it takes to.

I really bwg.
This quote nice to say meh?
You don't have your opinion meh?
I really feel like giving myself a tight slap,
for being so irritating and so, disgraceful.
Yeah, I also feel like giving someone a tight slap for dao me so long.
Tamade! First time tio dao so long.
Oh, it's not the first time, first time was when I messaged all of my buddies,
and 3 replied only ;D

But nevermind lah, I already deleted everything,
since that someone say anything liao.
ROFL CAN!? *killing myself*
I just feel like laughing out so loud,
I don't know how to face that someone in school,
or avoid all the times?
I mean, not go to canteen in the morning,
just in case that someone will appear there?
And avoid walking the huge staircases instead
of the staircases people seldom walked?
This might worked.
Or perhaps I should give it a try before saying anything.

I felt so descipable, detestable, greedy,
self-needs, irritating, attitude right now.
Perhaps more to be mentions.
I simply sucks,
DILLON TAN YONGCHEN fucking bastard. _|_

Sorry for the late post.
Was editing my blog.

Wasn't really in the mood to announce the results,
but anyway, here goes my results.

Biology: 21.5/50
Maths: 35/140
Chemistry: 20/50
Mother Tongue: 53.75/100
History: 21/50
Social Studies: 23/50
English: 61/100
Art: 62.5/100

Overall I passed only 3 outta 6 subjects.
But still quite sastified.
Didn't really expected my Biology and Chemistry could get that score.
I expect the score was like only single digit.
And I didn't expect my Chinese will be that low.
To a sudden extent, I was really shocked.
And Art, art art, quite good.
Got rank 3 among the class.
Muhaha, I lose to Azree by 7.5marks or something,
and lose to Fuzliah by .5mark.
But I willing to lose, because their prep work was so fantastics!

Alrighty, stop talking about paper.
Cooking was fun today.
Heh, just done the menu!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Will be changing skins later,
after I finished my school.
So bear with this skin for awhile.
& also, will be collecting back results later on.
Want to know my results?

Stay-tune, to this unglam blog.
Hopefully it's good news! :D

How many love can be returned?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Same place, different mood.

Even if the person does not take attention of you,
take your courage out and grap this opportunity.
This is what I've been trying to convince myself.
But, so far, I can't, there's no chance for me to.
And right now, I'm thinking of you once again.
You make me fall in love with you so madly, so deeply.
Could you really ignore my presense,
even though you know I've been staring at you into blank space?
You controlled my mind, kill my brain cells,
drank my brain juice. All I can do now is pray.
Pray that you would look at me someday.
Realise how important you're to me.
That's the only thing I'll be hoping for.
Will it be a different day this coming tuesday?
I really hope so, hope that the day would approached.
I'll not miss the chance again, I swear.


dont put the rainbow ! its a backdoor method for hackers t hack our acc.same thing happened 2yrs ago ! take it off! pass

㋡DILLON } says:

loving someone does not need to classified it's demand,
it's about their true feelings.

The world is so unfair.
Look at Chendu peoples.
So many thousands have died.
Living in Singapore is like,
living in a peaceful land.
Do a deed today,
on your MSN nick,
put a rainbow symbol infront.
The symbol is (R).

And, I've no comments about life anymore.
So many debates between my friends.
Eliza and Meliza, peace?
You girls prefer war than peace?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I'm using my new lappy now!

I'm quite afraid owning my own lappy.
Cause if spoil, surely, I'm only the one to be blame.

Shall not explain these few days!
Cause it's so boringggg.
Lappy keep delay my precious time on blogging!

Went out with Elvin, Melvin and Qiqi to play lan earlier on.
Entertain them lah -.-
See how kind I'm.

Make me never download finish my things.
Anyway, we went to eat tian ji after that.

I think Elvin order wrong,
it was suppose to be hot!
But it is not even hot!
I could taste nothing!

And, braces sucks.

It lies between us.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Quick one,
currently using niece desktop.

Went to Best Denki earlier on to choose lappy to buy.
Fortunately, dad and mom is going brother and I each a lappy!
Actually today can buy liao, but due to some reasons,
will delay till tomorrow.
I'm so damn happyyyyyyyy,

Was having the erhum, cooking course for 2 days already.
Yesterday we learn how to serve,
and prepare to serve etc etc.
Today we learn how to cook mushroom soup!
Yum yum! :D
We had 2 tries, and it was too buttery.
BUTTERY, as in too thick.
Overall was alright lah.
And the chef was like so damn funny,
keep entertain the whole group.
I guess everyone like his lameness?
Well, if they don't like, I don't care either,
cause I like it will do!
He can compare lameness with me.

On the last post, after we went to friend house before the course,
we went back to school.
And found out our shoe was in a wet state, after the heavy rain.

And we were struggling to head back to school,
it was a very short distance,
yet we shared our money to head back to school because we're late.
The fare is only $2.80 got godness sake -.-

Ok, tomorrow is the result day.
If result not good, I keep quiet.
Until I got my lappy first, or else later no lappy!
So Saturday then tell them lur?
If want lappy, must use wicked method! xD

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Quick post.
For your info, I'm at my friend house.
My lappy might not be fixed already,
or it might take a longer time.
Time flies, let's wait though.

Alrighty, today is the last paper!
Go to school for only like only for 20 minutes to test just now?
And will be going back to school later on.
For god sake, it's extra curricular program.

These few days happened a lot of things.
Too much for me to say.

Art; I manage to did it in time, but very ugly -.-
I think I make Miss Goh disappointed?

Miss Goh damn cute lah!
I was anyhow drawing the paper I've spared.
And it roll to the floor.
Miss Neo took it, and gave it to Miss Goh.
Miss Goh gave me a silence look.
And I was so embarrassed that I quickly lie my head on the table.
After that, Miss Goh come.

She folded a crane and putted it on my table.
And after that, I was playing with it,
and crushed it in the end -.-

(btw Kenny is the name of the crane)
I was laughing all the way.

And, and, and.
Mother day was a disaster.
My mom got so pissed off by my niece.
But now, it's all over -.-
Resume back to the normal life.

Chinese paper so damn hard !@#$%^
Believe will hardly pass.

Alright, got to go.
Will blog ASAP!

Stay tune!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Stomach pain again..
Haven't been revising.
Who cares, I'm intending to flunk Maths anyway.
Won't be blogging till my lappy is fixed.
Hard disk is spoil, so reformat won't do any help either.
So, stay tune for more update then.

The pain is unbearable,
& I can't make it go away..

Just woke up, and diseaster striked.
Don't know why the fuck is wrong with my hand!
Firstly, I caused my lappy now to blue-screen.
Waiting for rescuse disk.

And now! ..
Don't wanna say anymore.
Hais, life is sometime meaningless.
Everyday the same old things.
Buey sian also sian sian.
Feel like dining out alone lur,
but don't feel like going out.
Sigh, it's REALLY meaningless.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

9.55a.m now!
Today only test on Chemistry,
that's why.

I flunked my Chemistry badly.
I really don't know how to do.
I was sitting near the front,
and when I looked back,
guess what I saw?

Whole row sleeping.
-.- cool mah?

Was lefted with half an hour
after completed whatever I know,
and.. slept.

When it was time to wake up,
my whole leg numb.
I couldn't move and was
screaming within myself for 5minutes.

And the teacher said we can go,
I was kinda still stucked there,
as my leg is not really recovered from the "numbness".

Went back-gate, intended to go home.
It was not open -.-
So brought watermelon and sit there eat.

Then saw Mr Segreant opening the gate.
But, for himself -.-

I fucking hate him damn much!
Not because of this,
because he picked on me so much.
He's a teacher with more words than action,
even he is a PE teacher.
Useless teacher. You sucks.
You only haolian when your floorball team wins,
when your floorball team lose,
you didn't announce it?
Scare siasuay ah?
You're a totally piece of noob shit!
I've been tolerating you so long,
don't push me to the end.
You'll only disgrace yourself, I swear.

And went to front-gate and walked
whole round to the back-gate,
just because that security
guard is not doing their job.
They are not opening the gate
when we finished our exam!
Want us to do what!? Sit there and sleep sibo!?

Rawr lah, make me walked for nothing.
Waste my energy,
what's more. After I ate the watermelon,
stomach ache occured again.

I guess I'm allergic to watermelon,
these few days have been having watermelon at home,
and stomach hurts like hell.
These few days, all I know is shit,
instead of studying.
It's like TOOOOTTT lah.
Sorry for being so unglam,
but I think shitting is my new hobby!

I think I kinda talk too much,
the post is getting longer and longer.
But really too much to say already!
Cannot blame me ah.

Exams! Exams!
End next Wednesday!
Hopefully end faster,
cause the other schools have end.
Like I say,
our school is good in being tortoise!

P/S: I kinda like the channel 8 9.00p.m show song.
Anyone got any idea what's the song name for it?

Almost forgot to blog.
Probably won't go online blogging this week.

Having stomach ache now.
Can't shit though.
As in, "constipation".

Today Biology and English ah,
don't wanna say.

Tomorrow will be only chemistry,
and thus, will be getting home early!
Around 11+? :D

I haven't start revising chemistry by the way,
see I so wu xim, come blog.

Throw my entire chemistry away!
How kind is Dillon!
Wohoo* bueybah.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I guess, right from my very first blog,
I stated that negative comments are not needed.
It was like um, 1 or 2 years ago?

I don't understand with 'kids' nowadays,
like to quarrel and quarrel,
then find back-up to help.
You see,
I'm not stating anything in terms of 'fight',
it's just irresistible.
I'm just realize that actually I got into a kid argument.

Finalize, it's hard to believe something..

Was having flu throughout the whole exam today.
And yeahs, brought tissue and used within 30 mins.
Was kinda disgusting as I brought the tissue only after recess.
Before recess I was rubbing against my school uniform.
But, it's not ridiculous for my reason huh,
don't expect me to rub against the paper and hand it in.

Was kinda bad, forgot everything man.
Because of that damn fluuuuu,
and almost incomplete.
It was the last 5 minutes that finally chiongggg ah.

Maths was a total mess to me while Gary and Darren said..
The maths damn easy leh!
I was like -.- Don't insult me leh.
Both of them took A-maths and E-maths by the way,
so to them, it was like a total piece of tootttt.

And went KFC ate and chat ONCE AGAIN,
but with Stanley this time round.
Overall, quite sastified with today.

Tomorrow is Biology and English exam,
so.. Gambatte! :D
Have to start revising now.

I promised I won't lose MUCH,
te hehehehe*

Was studying with Darren and Gary after school earlier on,
and we end up chatting and laughing again.

Half an hour passed,
and I'm only on my first paragraph.
By the way,
Gary and I was doing Social Studies while Darren was doing Chemistry.

I don't really wished to come online.
Just to do somethings,
and happened to blog.

I think I've offended so many peoples in school,
especially those sec 4.
But I don't care anymore.
It look like,
I'll be a small person in the school.

I'll definitely be one,
since I'm already one.

Won't be blogging these few days due to exam.
So I won't be able to help my niece to settle her things much.

always indirect shoot.
What's that suppose to mean man?

Should I give up on everything?
I'm so tired of these stuffs.
I'm really tired.
I mean it.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Quite an enjoyable day.

School resume like normal,
but I forgot to bring my art file for Art after school today.

Darren and I decided to accompany Gary for his braces.
And seriously, damn funny.
We were gossiping lots and tons,
and some saggy womens.

And the worst part is..
Gary should've take out his braces by today already,
but.. the doctor forgot to book appointment for him.

He has to wait another 11 weeks!!
Because all the particular dates are chosen you see.
Another 2 months ++ for him.
I guess it's fate for him to wait for me to take out together.
Who knows the next appointment happened the same thing?
I pity him lah -.-
Luckily I'm private clinic,
so.. HAHA,

And and and.
Gary went home first,
while Darren and I meet Elvin for dinner.
And somethings happened**
Shall not include.

And I didn't know it could be so much fun wait "handphone camera"!
We were laughing all the ways,
our actions and faces were damn retarted,
a face you wouldn't imagine.

I decided to gave up on you,
yet I can't resist on looking you.
Just a possible remarks,
no more initial feelings.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Before I go East Coast for class-outing day!

Buy me one? :D

Saturday, May 3, 2008

WTH, friendster sever maintenance?!
I set wrong something lah!! -.-
I'll get over it as long as it work.

Hmm not bad :S
Yesterday had 16 views.
Was quite glad actually,
because after I stopped blogging for some times,
some actually stopped reading.
But from 30+ views to 16 views is already quite pathetic.
Well well well, I'm sure it will resume back the pace.

Hoho, now...
Something important to say..

I have been running stomach ache for 3 days continuously already,
if this continues till don't know when,
probably you won't see me get to blog,
I'll probably collapsed,
and you'll get to see in the hospital,
washing my intestine.

Was suppose to meet Elvin and Melvin to play lan previously at 11a.m.
But I guess all of us overslept.
I woke up at 12a.m.
And was on the desktop page when Elvin called me,
and told me, "Eh where are you now? I just waked up leh."
Similarly, I told him the same thing!
HAHAHHAHAHA, laughing for don't know fuck lahs.

Anyway, why everytime things turn bad,
and when I dream,
I'll probably dream of things which are rotten bad becoming good.
Is that a symptom or something?
Or is it.. the opposite way?

Arggg, who cares.
It's driving me crazzzzzzi.

Recreated friendster.
Please add me!

Hopefully will rebuild back my friends and testis.
And more importantly, my friends that I once had.


Friday, May 2, 2008

Woohoo, like my new skins mah?

Don't like also don't care ler.
Spended like, 4 hours on it?

And thanks to twinneh,
it's all done.
Staged clear.

Haven't shower you see.
And promised to study during 11a.m.
And here's goes again,
broke promised.
As resume,
promised are meant to be broken.

I remember I've something to say der,
forgot again?

Just remember to tag!

you'll never be able to supress me, (;

Hoho! Damn happy now leh!
Felt so much better after giving up.

Been having the "stomach pain" throughout the day.
And it was after that chinese stall I've eaten.
I swear !@#$%&^!
I think it really caused food poisoning.
Well well well, I'll still insisted on eating that,
or I'll lefted with nothing to eat in school.
Every stall is so sian!
Been having serious headache throughout my chinese paper 1.
Lanjiao lur. Cannot even concentrade well.
And the topic was like so toottttttt.
So complicated and difficult to understand.

Anyway, mom keep talking about those not auspicious stuffs.
Mom, if something happened to you,
I do not wish to live either (:
I'm left with nothing now.
I don't wish to see anything happened to you.
I swear I'll die with you,
and you shall be the greatest mom ever!
Mother day coming! ^^

Now, I've several conflicts for months.
Let me name them out.

1. Sister angry with me.
2. Friends internal problems.
3. Crushed.

I believe I'll solved them one by one soon.
Or it will be killing me,
I totally don't have the mood to study.

Please, Art,

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I must be insane.
I've deleted my friendster.
Finally, I got up my courage to do it.
500+ friends and 2000+ testi will be removed.

Okay, just cut my hair not long ago.
And I love it very much.
Better than the time before.
I watch a show before and it say,
once you cut away your hair,
you shall cut away your memories.
Well, I felt much better.

It will be a brand new start,
for a brand new month,
a new haircut,
and deleted friendster!

I won't keep going this way. (: