
Sunday, May 25, 2008

P/S for not posting.
Quite alot of stuff to mention, but really lazy lah dey.
Was pia-ing maple these few days, with Gary duh.
And meet couple of good friends and got a darling -.-
He called me darling first, which I foolishly darling back?
Hah, anyway, was running huge headache last night.
Played 12-13 hours of lappy, thus end up like this.
Come out take panadol, and then guess what.
Panadol does not cure my headache. Prehaps I need to take down 3 or 4.
Argg. Then headache continues, can't sleep.

Bring my lappy to toilet to use, cause mom will kill me if she saw me playing.
And in the end, still tio caught.
I'm so dumb, to learn from my brother to play inside toilet.
I felt so foolish lah dey.

Anyway, was chatting with one retart-ed gay now.
Just kidding, he's straight, he exclaimed.
HAHA, anyway, talk to him, I really gonna die soon.
Pissed off by him lah dey -.-


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