
Sunday, June 22, 2008




Words can't describe the love towards you guys!
Down 20 papu-s! Hahs, <3>

Say goodbye to Holidayyys.
I will alway <3Armstrong althought I will seldom online.

Things donee,
- cuthair
-cutnail (haven't)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Name: Tan Yongchen Dillon (generated from
Date: 6/21/2008
Colorgenics Number: 46210375


It would appear that at this particular time of your life you are going through a tough time. You are feeling (or have recently felt) miserable and depressed and perhaps you are still feeling that way. Maybe all the trials and tribulations just aren't worth it. Your present anxieties could have been associated with either your 'private' or 'business' life - whatever ... what you really need at this time is to get away from it all, maybe a vacation - alone, or better still, perhaps with someone that you know really cares for you, someone who appreciates you - not for what you have but for who you are. A short vacation may be all you need to afford you the time to recover and to get back to your normal vital self.

You are very orderly, methodical and self sufficient. You demand and need the respect, recognition and understanding of all those who enter into your sphere on influence.

You feel tired - worn out and listless. The last thing that you want to do is to be in an open conflict with those around you that are forever tormenting you. What to do? That's the rub. You are feeling that you are being choked - unable to breathe.

You are an emotional, sincere and impressionable individual experiencing frustration and unnecessary stress. You are carried away by other people's enthusiasm and looking for that idealised relationship, be it in a business or personal situation, which you are able to share with a mutual depth of understanding. You have lowered your defences in the past and you have been hurt, so you are now extremely wary of being exploited. You are still ready to trust people on the condition that they are prepared to offer you proof of their sincerity.

Matters are not all that they would appear to be and you are critical of the existing conditions which you feel are confused and disorganised. You are therefore looking for a modus operendi which will simplify the situation so that you will be able to see the 'trees in the woods'.


What he say is really truth.. How he know.. ? I'm so speechless and shocked.. He read my mind..
And oops, I cry reading it, serious. -.- HAHA, AND ITS LIKE SO FUNNY. Lucky tell me feel harmony with, not the colours I like sia! If not, the outcome is so different! He say "You are a difficult person to relate to and very difficult to please." Waa, I so hengg.

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."

- Leo Buscaglia


Omg, 我爱 alot people leh! Too much to be mention! They're my loved sia!
All my precious friends, and I treasure everyone of them.

Somethings I just can't say, I hate this situation as I'm so helpless.
I can't cling on anything as there isn't any rope for me to cling on.
*please don't assume its you when it's not; don't assume you know me well when you're not, really disgusted me alots.

I saw this, quite meaningful.
when we're moving on , can we not look back?

Currently at lan shop. Was so diao~
I swear I won't come Chinatown at night.

Just now went to cut hair at Melvin house there,
and went to eat at Rajar Inn. They cheat my money $_$

Got some funny incidents, lmao~
This uncle was standing there, in the middle of the spotlight,
and his face was like squeezed like, like a status.

And we went to Archade, and Elvin play that stupid Stacker.
He almost won a PSP!! LOL, he very unlucky lor,
left the last level to reach, in the end lose.

And on the bus to Chinatown,
I've a feeling I kana molested sia!
They was like chionging down the bus, and didn't sense my presense?
Keep touch here and there, squeeze and squeeze.
So ass laa, then when up the escalator,
I let this uncle go first, he stare at me for 5 bloody seconds!
And he say, "go, go first" *Pushing me*
I was like -.-x wtf, let him go first sia, this is how he treat me.
Somemore his eye so bloody big!!!!

Then go up the staircase, this bloody uncle scare me,
he was speaking teochew to himself.
I chuatio, pull Elvin and ran away.

Okayy, stop here, I'm so irritating!

2 more days to school reopen!
Qi dai, qi dai!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Woot, maplee!
My maple lvl 196 liao, gonna 200 soon.
Jiayous! I'm the 2nd in th server.
Woohooooo :)

I think I grew alots,
watching my own footsteps.
Even though nothing can change the fact,
however, a brand new start is gonna start again!
Gambatte! :D

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Haissss, so siannnn.
Just chit-chat with my guild member in maple.
Was quite funny lah.
And now I have 3 maples to play -.-x
Sometimes don't even feel like playing.

Monday, June 16, 2008

So sian der x.x!
Ate durian cake just now,
celebrating, they want me to start singing birthday song -.-
Because they say, dad zui teng ni.
Lols~ but eating fried chicken leh.
So yeahh, :P

My maple got rollback,
so damn pekchek lah dey.
Lucky I got very good maple friends,
most importantly, my guild members.
Jy, Armstrong, gambette!

*trying to pull melvin to play. *muahhaha =x

Sunday, June 15, 2008


HB, make me think of hyperbody in maple. Lolols.
I'm so bored, 1.54a.m right now.
And no one' gonna accompany me through the night.
Well, might as well go sleep.

But weirddd, start reading previous posts in my old blog,
which I haven't delete it yet lah?
Something is wrong with me.
I think I going fan chang ler.

Went dinner with Familyyyy, as in 10 peoples! :D
With future sister-inlaw. lawls.
Alright, we went saukura eat,
and I don't know how much is the bill,
probably $300+?
Who cares siah, also not my family pay der.
Lols, say me pratical yeah.
Anyway, here goes.

Orange skinnes! :P

LOLS, see 4 different colour skinnes,
range from left to right.
Orange; Red; Grey; Black

I needa haircut.

Ah, sastifaction.

Laosai 2 times upon reaching home.
Really buey ton siah,
I drank 4 bowls of sharkfinsoup,
and 1 bowl of cream of mushroom.
So laosai is unavoidable :(

Last but not least,
Thanks for doting me so much.
Tomorrow is your birthday,
hope you will enjoy :)

*Tomorrow got cake eat* muhahas =x

Saturday, June 14, 2008

TV spoil.
Mouse spoil.
Rice cooker spoil.
Car sold.

What th hell?!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Wtf, my mouse spoil out of a sudden.
Damn pissed up lah. Zzz, then I found out it is made in China.
So, never buy China stuffs!
Humph, lazy go buy mouse siol.
Fuck lah, don't like using the pad.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

What am I going to do!
Mom sold her car!
Which mean I've to go school all by myself!
Kachewwww. -.-
I hate taking bus during morning,
it's like so squeezy and very uncomfortable.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fucking pekchek, come my blog and post those stupid things,
when I did nothing? No, what's your problems now?
I've a problem with you now.
Zz, don't make me feel irritated.

Went Kbox, was really speechless,
cause jiao xiang. LOLOLx.
Sister make fun of me lur.
We was singing "wu ding".

Sister: Eh, why got ah du ah?
Me: Where got ah du? It's jacky wu leh!
*ohhhh, she saying me*
WTF lah deyy!

See they so zilian. OMGXGXGX.

Not I take der?

OMG lah deyy.

See! They lend my handphone,
and put their picture as wallpaper!

See this siaocharbor.

And finally got my K-ster membership card! >,<

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Yawnn, 6a.m++,
just woke up from sweet dreams.
I just wonder, wonder why I'm in luck yesterday,
to had two sweet dreams in a night.
Unforturnately, it will not last long.
However, just one night is enough,
twice is too much. >.<
Will be going for braces later!

Lucky got sis and niece pei me go,
after that go K-ster and sing k! OMG.
alrighty, sign off.

Went eating earlier on with Darren, Elvin & Melvin.
Same old place, 148.
Melvin was so late lah? So we ate first.
As you can see below,
9 bowls of rices. (clear)
Darren, Elvin and me both had 3 bowls of rice.
We are so so so hungry lah dey?

First time felt so delicious siah.
x.x We had 5 main dishes. Owowow.
And the total payment is $21.70.
Quite worth it, but we're still hungry in the end.
LOLOL, we actually wanna eat more der,
but hmm, it's alright.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Yawnn, 7pm++, and just woke up.
I postpone my dental appointment to wednesday 10.30a.m,
because I got no strength to move at all.

How stupid? It was suppose to be my appointment,
and I've to wait for walk-in during the morning,
comfirm need to wait 2-3hours de norh.

Hais, and that stupid Elvin, never call me to comfirm.
Make me slept like hog.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Good morning guys! :o
Struggling through the night,
damn tired, hmm yup! Damn tired.
Yawnnns, don't know want go for Art anot.
Gary they all bo DNT? I don't know lah dey.
Call them bo listen one, so bo xim.
I wonder why I burn midnight oil when they didn't even go for school?
It's like, I'm working all alone again.
Elvin want to eat dinner tonight,
comfirm 148 again. Okay lah, later wake up then call you.
Yawnns, comfirm go ah? Comfirm with me the peoples going later.
Sms me or something. Buey ton liao.
Goodnight to me.

I'm something in my mind.
I've some fear and terror, an incomplete silence.
Fancy me thinking of so much things,
it all end up with destiny.
Perhaps I've been fooled by fate once again.
I'll not give in, neither do you, god.
Some ties are just unbreakable..

Yawnn, I forgot I cannot sleep.
I scare later cannot wake up for dental appointment.
OMGZGHXGZ. I'll be a living zombie later on.
Rescuse meeee, darlinggg.

I'm boreddddd. Yawnn.
Just woke up.
I'm really afraid.
I also don't know why.
I've a feeling something will happened.
I think is a bad omen,
I'm not having a peace feeling.
Ow. Shit it.

fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 - Free Online Dating Network

See, don't believe is it?!
I told you capricorn is handsome/pretty.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Everyone like so kan-chiong over their studies.
Hmm, ain't going to promise anything yet,
as I always broke my promises. Hee, hahs ;)

Actually this feeling is perfect, really seem without a flaw.
As in, everyone is leading their life normally,
my brothers and I, are still as joyful.
Sometimes still hangout.. sometimes still chat on phone.

But I still something is lacking, something so familiar.
I don't know what, but I just hate it.

So funny right, love and hate at the same time.
Don't care lah dey, will be going for braces next monday.


Kbox? don't know.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Just finished playing maple, was in a lousy mood.
So rather not play.
Was playing lan with Elvin, Darren, Melvin and Qiqi earlier.
Then we went to eat chicken rice.


And we went to play basketball later,
I mean they went, I was slacking :\

And the place we went to, was scary.
As in, creepy, look so high above.
Like those murder places.

And on the bus, the little toddler made me laugh.
I don't know why, when he use his machine gun and make the stupid noise,
I'll start to laugh like siao.
I think he know that I'm laughing at him,
(and he seriously think he is damn cute),
and make more noises.
Was so fucked-up.
I guess his mom was also irritated by him, lol.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Waaa, damn disappointed.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I'm bored.. Right now, I'm doing my Art? And I'm all alone tonight x.x Quite poor thing huh. Anyway was quite pekchek with Private Maple. I think because I too popular liao, keep get aim by people. As in, someone used my IGN to tag in GM blog, some nasty comments, scolding the server noob. Erhem, I told him in game, if dare come find me, mai hide nor accusing. I'm the real Tuna, you fucking noob whore. Come and find me, use your own IGN, you noob hole. My IGN isn't as that nice as your rotten reputation. GM is on his track to find you, I guess your days aren't up yet. Anyway, even if GM can't do anything to you, you'll probably watch out for my clique too. All my friends and my terms are very good, which mean, you're in difficulty situation, because, all of my friends are hunting you. Why mean, even you level 2oo, my friends are all the popular one, all level 150-200. You can hide from me, you can't hide from them. Your probably the worst faker that I ever met except for xAngelina. She's just a fucking poor bitch, beggar cum noob! She can act till so fake, that today event, she could KS me, and scold me. I was there before you, you dumb noob. I still have 1B to quarrel with you, why? You got rollback? Loss of 200M? Of course, you deserve it. Serve you right. Nabei, you see how your reputation work lah dey. All my friends hate you now, you've W0ShiNiPaPa as backout? Lmao, I've GM as backup. You begged GM and I to help you KS in ah ma, because another friend of mine was ksing you, I helped you, and you yi de bao yuan? You begged me to train your beginner account till 12o, and thanks us like fucking till so pain? Now you dare not to admit? And eventually, you still lose in the end. No one will win me, either in game nor in quarreling. I'll not lose in any way. I'm a person who doesn't admit defeat easily. And I heard that the people say I step paikia? Lai lah, I step paikia sibo? Probably you're one of those saying me. Do you know I'm laughing sarcastic earlier as you got your rollback? That's a very wonderful thing, LMAO :) Oh aww, neither do you want to try being sacarstic with me, cause you won't win anyway. Piakia? You offend me one more time, I show you what is Piakia. I'm like so guai please x.x Don't ruined my repuation just like that, it's not gonna work, (although a lot people say so).. I don't care lah dey, if I heard about you again, my cliques and I, (the zak team) will not let you off. Ask your backup find me, don't backout. Sore loser. I don't care whether you're a girl or a boy, cause you're just a whore which search for more HOLES. Don't jealous, you just have to be envious of what I got.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Going to meet them for breakfast soon?
Yawnn, it's hard to get up in th morning, especially when th sun is not up yet.
In th past, don't have to worry bout that,
now yes, cause INDEPENDENT mah. x)

I missed 3 lessons of Art, I hope Miss Goh will not scream when I reached.
Sian lah, I also don't wish to go.. go till so late der.
My game.. HOW?! :P
Game is my life siol, =.=
By gaining half on my holiday, Miss Goh,
mean you're killing me, my holiday is so ruined.
*sobbies* kill me instead.

Okay lah, was high in th morning; good,
or else later no energy draw like ahsiao.

Have been sleeping really very less these lately,
normally was 12 hours per day during holiday?
And now was.. 6-8 hours.
I just seem can't to get to sleep..
Too stress ler :P

Hmm, I feel like changing link again?
This time, whoever wants it get it from me.
Don't be such a retard for me to wait to tell you.
I won't do it, so get it from me.

Ohyah, just a piece of advice,
I seriously hope you can unfeatured me,
and delete all th pictures I'd once with you.
Don't be such a bhb, as I hate it.
Don't make me hate you, dude.
I don't wish to repeat. You know I mean it.
Thanks alot.
I don't mean anything rude.

Memories are no longer as valuable as a jade anymore.
It does not consist of bits of bits of mineral and craving laughing skills,
but broken of pieces of tears in nature.

My sentence sound really funny huh?
Idc lah deyy, trying to improve my meaningful sentence skills.
I hope it really sound something that I wanna it to be.

Quiz quiz!
Asked by Doreen mei again.

1.What's the connection between you and the last person that called you?
- um, rachel. SHE'S MY DAJIE LAH DEY.
2.Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
- yah, especially when I'm damn annoyed.
3.What happened at 10.00 am today?
- still sleeping?
4.When did you last cry?
- hmm, yawn to cried? I forgot when.
5.What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter?
- dislike it. ew.
6.What do you want in your life right now?
- umm, everything perfect?
7.Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
- not at all..
9.What bottom are you wearing now?
- um, short.
10.What does the nicest text in your inbox say?
- Lols.
11.Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
- hmm, depend on how complicated she want.
12.Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
- eh, no.
13.What was the last movie you caught?
- i rot at home leh, nv go out.
14.What areyou proud of?
- hmm, proud of myself lur. :P
15.What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
- very long, lazy type..
16.What was the last song you sang out loud?
- hmmmmmmmmm.
17.Do you have any nicknames? What are they?
- lon?
18.What does your last received text message say?
- yah, handphone bo batt now.
20.Are you currently happy?
- hmm.
21.Who gives you best advices?
- their advice cannot be trustable.
22.Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
-YES! :D
23.Who did you talk on the phone last night?
-bo lang?
24.Is anything bugging you right now?
- yah, SinedMS mapler keep bug me.
25.What/ Who was the last thing/ person that made you laugh?
- bingrong retarted action.
26.Do you wear toe socks?
- no..
27.Who was the last person you missed a call from?
- bingrong.
28.Have you ever had your heartbroken?
- yeah.
29.What annoys you most in a person?
- their haolian attitude, their bhb-ness, their backstab skills.
30.Do you have a crush on anyone?
- got.
31.Have you ever done cocaine?
- no.
32.What is the colour of your room?
- white.
33.Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars?
- umm. tai jian ler bah?
34.Do you believe in the saying "talk in cheap"?
- what this mean?
35.Who was the last person to lay in your bed?
- brother?
36.Who was the last person to hug you?
- mom? :P
37.Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
- bo..
38.Do you have a life?
- or else why i call them to get a life?
39.Have you ever thought someone died when they really didn't?
- guess. I really hope.
40.What is the reason behind your profile song?
- oh, it is nice mah.
41.Who was the last person you saw in your dreams?
- i forgot..
42.Last time you smiled?
- jus now.
43.Have you changed this year?
- i think so..
44.What are you listening to right now?
- tv sound?
45.Are you talking to someone when you're doing this?
- no.
46.Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?
- open.. dun ask stupid question.
47.Is there a quote you live by?
- anything that end with dey!
48.Do you want someone you can't have?
- yes.
49.Have you ever played an instrument?
- nope.
50.What was the worst idea you've had in this week?
- .. not rape i afraid.
51.What were you doing last night at 11.00 pm?
- mapling?
52.Are you happy with your love life right now?
- dun have stead.
53.What song describes your love life?
- crushed
54.Do the person knows you like him/ her?
- no.
55.Who always makes you laugh?
- i laugh very easily. so doesn't really matter who.
56.Do you speak another language other than English?
- chinese, hokkien, teochew?
57.Are you blond?
- no.
58.What's your middle name?
- yongchen :x
59.What are you doing tomorrow?
- school maybe?
60.What do you think you are like?
- some idiotic idiot.
61.Who will you choose to die with?
- if really got one day.. family.
62.Where have you been today?
- whole day at home.
63.What game do you play often?
- computer?
64.Who are you missing right now?
- err. were to choose between friends and love, who will you choose?
- dun stress me.
66.What are you doing right now?
- doing this idiotic quiz.
67.Which primary school are you from?
- gan eng seng primary.
68.Name 3 colours that you like.
- green, orange, black.
69.What emotion do you like to show?
- cheerful?
70.What is life to you?
- meaningless.
71.If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
- just keep it inside..
72.Who did you last chat with in MSN today?
- hmm, one of th mapler call Kenny.
73.Who do you admire most?
- rockstars?
74.Which month are you born in?
- december baby!
75.How are you feeling right now?
- hungryyyy. i haven't eat.
76.What is the time now?
- 11.42p.m
77.Where are you now?
- home..
78.What colour did you use to dye your hair?
- dun dye.
79.Why are you doing this test?
- Doreen mei asked me to.
80. What do you do when you're moody?
- moody? sleep, or listen song.
81.At which age do you wish to get married?
82.Who is more important to you?
- ummm. family.
83.Do you think you have enough confidence?
- not now.
84. Who is the person you trust the most?
- my family member lah dey.
85.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
- see beforeeeeeee.
86.If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
- all my wishes come true?
87.What is your goal for this year?
- top 3 in class. =x even tho fail.
88.Do you believe in eternity love?
- no.
89.What feeling do you love most?
- alone.
90. Do you really think it's Global Warming now?
- yah, can't you feel it?
91.What feeling you hate the most?
- being leftout alone. i feel so helpless..
92.Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
- now, yes.
93.Do you believe in God?
- no.
94.Who cares for you the most?
- mom, she's always th best.
95.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- family.
96.What'll you bring when you fight?
- tears.
97.What have you regretted doing in your whole life?
- alots.
98.What would you feel that no one no longer cares for you?
- i rather died..
99.What if your stead two-timed you?

Instructions are basically the same. Required to tag 10 people into doing this.
But I'm lazyyyy, so sorry! Hahaha.